Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Breeding Superworms - Containerized / Enclosed

     For the past 3 years and so months, we have been transferring beetles from an old basin to a new basin every 15 days. The beetles are counted with each transfer. A portion of the video I uploaded in YouTube below.

I wanted this labor intensive part of counting and transferring of the beetles to become somehow effortless.

I tested with my first container enclosed beetles here...

Top view

Two hundred beetles are in there

Close up from outside

I am not satisfied with this set up. The opening is located on one corner. There were two incidents of escape. Almost half of the beetles were already outside the container. It's a good thing we have a net on top of it.

Then I tried another type.

Trying it for size

Let me show you how I made it with pictures...

I cut the bottom part. Put 4  pieces 1 inch nail and put bottle caps to act as a handle

1 inch nail glued 

     In the next post, I will be showing the advantage of this project in the breeding of your superworms.

                                       Happy Breeding!!!

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