Saturday, October 22, 2011

We Got Sales!!!

From the last post, I mentioned that we sold all the marketable sized super worms. 

Well, with the latest breeding cycle of August 14, 2011 to August 30, 2011, we have a good news!!!

This is how big our new babies look like today October 23, 2011. This is from the breeding cycle August 14, 2011 to August 30, 2011. This is about half of all the available super worms that were produced on this breeding cycle.

The good news is, we got our first sales for breeding cycle August 14, 2011 to August 30, 2011.

What a wonderful hobby!!!

My super worms friends ready to go!!!  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Forty Nine Thousand Five Hundred reasons that Makes Me Young Again

This is what the sides of my kitchen wall looked like a couple of months ago.

This is what it looks like now.

Yes! All gone and I  have counted them all. ah ah ah ah!

I grew up during the Sesame Street era in the nineteen forgotten. Now, I feel like The Count! Young again! And I love to count!

Let us count! 

July - one super worm, two super worms, three super worms! ah ah ah (thunder and lightning - sound effect!) .... Fifteen thousand three hundred super worms!!! ah! ah! ah!  (thunder and lightning - sound effect!)

August - one super worm, two super worms, three super worms! ah ah ah (thunder and lightning - sound effect!) .... Fourteen thousand five hundred super worms!!! ah! ah! ah!  (thunder and lightning - sound effect!)

September - one super worm, two super worms, three super worms! ah ah ah (thunder and lightning - sound effect!) .... Nineteen thousand seven hundred super worms!!! ah! ah! ah!  (thunder and lightning - sound effect!)

I love to count. All in all, one super worm, two super worms, three super worms! ah ah ah (thunder and lightning - sound effect!)... Forty nine thousand five hundred  super worms!!! ah! ah! ah!  (thunder and lightning - sound effect!)
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